Nostradamus Predictions and Prophecies of the Future by Psychic John Le Sainte Translated Here Free

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Nostradamus Predictions: Major Earthquake for Japan, Famous Temple is Destroyed by Fire

Nostradamus Predictions for the Future of Japan.

Nostradamus has traveled through time for nearly 500 years awaiting the birth of the True Heir to his Gift of Psychic Prophecy. I am John Le Sainte. Nostradamus first appeared to me on December 21, 2003 and revealed to me that I was the chosen one to give the world his new psychic visions and prophecies. Each night the True soul of Nostradamus visits my dreams and guides me into the future. Together, Nostradamus and I view psychic visions and write new predictions and Prophecies for the troubled times facing our world.

Japan is facing many difficult troubles in the future. I have over 40 Nostradamus predictions now written for Japan alone for the coming decades. This first prophecy or psychic vision that I'll reveal is the tragic arson fire which destroys the Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto. Several times throughout history this beautiful structure has been destroyed by fire and rebuilt. A young citizen protesting a government plan sets fire to the beautiful golden landmark. He is immediately arrested. His shirt has the symbol of a hand closed in a fist upon it. This tragic event causes great national sadness within Japan. The boy's mother was completely unaware of her son's plans, but upon hearing the news on television, she commits suicide.

A beautiful Pavilion in Kyoto of Gold,
Will once more be destroyed by fire.
From the ashes rebuilt as in Old,
Rebirth is the promise of the Pyre.

The destruction of the Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto will shortly precede one of the worst Earthquakes ever to strike Japan. The earthquake will cause the largest amount of damage and perhaps the largest amount of fatalities in history. I will give more details as to the time and place of this earthquake in the future of Japan soon.

The reconstruction of this Golden Temple will coincide with the rebuilding of the damaged city. The completion of the Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji, now restored to it's amazing splendor will become the symbol to the survivors of the Earthquake. Japan has suffered many devastating events throughout history yet has been rebuilt and reborn, as has the Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji, in equal or superior strength and splendor.

If I reveal enough details, as shown to me by the great Prophet Nostradamus, to stop the destruction of the Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji by arson fire, will that be a positive effect on the future? Especially considering what a source of National Pride the Reconstructed Golden Pavilion Kinkaku-ji will later represent?

To read more Nostradamus Predictions and Prophecies of the future, please click here to return to the Nostradamus New Predictions Home Page.

Nostradamus Psychic Predictions of Art Theft by Businessman in Japan

Nostradamus Psychic Predictions of the 2008 Presidential Elections John McCain SHOCKING Predictions! A Presidential Campaign and Election in Turmoil!

Psychic Predictions Danger for Oprah Winfrey Friend Gail King

Please click here to read Nostradamus visions as shown to Psychic John Le Sainte of the Upcoming New York City Earthquake, bridge collapse and train derailment.

Nostradamus Predictions Nuclear attack by Terrorists as Revealed by the True Living Soul of Nostradamus to Psychic John Le Sainte.

Nostradamus Predictions TRUE meaning of 666 and the Coming World War 3 three the Information and Technology War as revealed and shown to John Le Sainte by Nostradamus.

Nostradamus Predictions Home Page Click Here.

John Le Sainte

Image for the Nostradamus Predictions feature by Wikipedia

ノストラダムスは500年近くの時間を旅を通じてお客様をお待ちして誕生した彼の贈り物の真の後継者を予言します。 I am John Le Sainte.私はジョンルサントです。 ノストラダムスを私に初めて登場2003年12月21日、明らかに私は自分が選択した1つの世界を与える彼の新しい精神的なビジョンと予言します。 各部屋の真の魂を訪問ノストラダムス私の将来の夢と私をガイドします。一緒に、ノストラダムスと私の新しい予測対象精神的なビジョンと書くと予言を我々の世界騒然とした時期に直面しています。
日本は多くの困難な問題に直面してまいります。私は今すぐに書かれた40以上の予測は、今後数十年日本だけです。 この最初の予言や精神的なビジョンを明らかに私は、悲劇的な放火火災を破壊する京都の金閣寺ゴールデンパビリオンです。 この美しい構造歴史を通して何回か焼失と再建されています。若い市民の抗議に火をセットするという政府の計画の美しい黄金のランドマークです。 彼はすぐに逮捕された。 彼のシャツには、シンボルの時にこぶしを手に閉鎖されています。この悲劇的な出来事が原因で大きな悲しみに日本国民です。 その少年の母親は、彼女の息子の計画を完全に気付いていないが、テレビでニュースを聞いて、彼女は自殺します。


パビリオンの黄金の破壊の京都の金閣寺の1つは、まもなく、最悪の地震の前まで日本を攻撃します。 地震の被害額が最大の原因とおそらく、歴史上最大規模の死亡者数です。私はこれ以上の詳細については、時間と場所としては、次の大地震で日本の将来を予定です。

この黄金の寺の復興に合わせて再構築すると、破損した市のです。 が完成したパビリオンの黄金金閣寺、今すぐに復元さになることは驚くべきことの素晴らしさの象徴して地震の生存者の一です。 日本に苦しんで壊滅的なイベントを通して多くの歴史と生まれ変わるはまだありません再建され、金閣寺には、黄金のパビリオンは、優れた強さと素晴らしさで同額です。


John Le Sainteジョンルサント