Nostradamus Predictions of the Future of the Royal Throne in England involving Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry.
Nostradamus promised the world nearly 5 centuries ago, to return in the 500th year of his birth with new predictions for our troubled world. The True Soul and Spirit of Nostradamus reached out to me, John Le Sainte, through time on the 500th anniversary of his birth in December 2003. Each night the Famous Ancient French Prophet guides me into the future and together we create new Predictions and Prophecies based upon these psychic visions. Nostradamus, the greatest seer in the last millennium, has declared me, John Le Sainte, to be the true heir to his Gift of Prophecy. I share these psychic visions with you, my reader, as warnings to protect you, your family and the world from the dangers of the future.
Nostradamus has shared with me psychic visions of the future of the British Royal Family in Great Britain. Prince Charles does finally become the King of England in a lavish and Royal Ceremony.
A King shall Ascend the Throne of England at Last,
An Honor Short Enjoyed, A Natural Passing.
A Reluctant Young Monarch Honors his Past,
Taking his Place in History before a Massing.
In the psychic vision as shown to me by Nostradamus, Prince Charles is Crowned King George the VII, In honor of his grandfather. Nostradamus explained to me that Prince Charles is very superstitious of the fates to befall the historical King Charles the First, Second and "Charlie the Third". Prince Charles seems very tired and drawn during the worldwide televised coronation ceremonies. It is a spectacle to behold, the world is entranced. This all happens within the next several years.
However, the newly crowned King George the Seventh only enjoys the thrown for several months before he dies of natural causes. One of his sons will become the new King of England in a very sad ceremony. I have been encouraged by the true Soul of Nostradamus to create another prediction of this event.
The reluctant Prince shall be alone,
The early sad passing of the New King.
On the Day of ascent to the British Throne,
A great dignity the new Monarch will bring.
The difference between these two important predictions or quatrains is that The Prince shall Be Alone. On the day of His Coronation, only one of the Princes either William or Harry is alive. A great sadness is felt by the viewers watching this worldwide televised event happening so soon after his own father's Coronation, as the young prince honors his royal past by taking the throne without the presence of his Grandmother, Mother, Father or Brother. I have been advised NOT to specify which Prince shall pass in order to protect him. The True Soul and Spirit of Nostradamus wishes that he may be able to warn and prevent the terrible event from occurring.
The Newest Nostradamus Predictions are found by clicking here, Nostradamus , to return to my home page to see the latest psychic predictions as shown to me, John Le Sainte, by the True Soul of Michel Nostradanus.
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Image for Nostradamus Predictions of Prince Charles, Wikipedia
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Nostradamus Predictions: Royal Family of England, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry explained by Psychic John Le Sainte
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